Between the ocean and the lake, West Lakes is the hub of water sports ranging from canoeing, kayaking, snorkeling sailing and surfing. The serene lake comes to life with its water sports and activities amongst the cafes and waterfront homes. West Lakes Aquatic Centre...
Our zoo Excursion Arshnoor Kaur- Room 2 Bees On Thursday 6th June, we visited the Adelaide Zoo and the beautiful Botanic Garden. We went with the wizards. In our classes we have been reading the Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl. We caught the bus the number is H33....
A massive thank you to LISA GEDDES (aka Aunty Lisa) from GEDfit for her coaching and expertise supporting FGPS Reception/Yr. 1 Dragons and buddies CLASS CROSSFIT program. Mr. D has worked hard training his Dragons this term and he rewarded his students and their...
What a start to 2024! FGPS year 3 – 6 students visited Arbury Park Outdoor School for camp in week 1. Leaping into the new year by living and learning together, enhancing social skills and practicing being team players. Arbury Park has always been a highlight...
The Rec/Year 1 class has had an exciting term 4 learning through immersive experiences in the classroom. Continuing the life cycles journey from frogs to butterflies, the students were treated with an incursion from ‘Bugs n Slugs’. They have been committed...
At the end of term 2, Fulham Gardens Primary School students in years 5 and 6 were given the opportunity to apply to participate in a buddy program with Fulham Park Preschool. Nine compassionate students were selected to become buddies to the Monday/Tuesday group at...